An Amazing World Presents

We are proud to announce our very simple and fast web browser! This browser has all the necessary functions to surf the web with ease and very quickly. 

This download is about 800kb so about 15 seconds of time passes by at a 56 kbp/s speed. (Slowest speed possible)

Currently it is only available on ALL Windows computers. The Mac version is coming out soon. So spend less than 20 seconds of your life and try this browser!

    *An Amazing World Guarantee*

You will like this web browser!

 Our next product is a TTS by An Amazing World Inc.

TTS or otherwise known as Text-To-Speech is a fun and interesting product that windows users just don't have. Mac users have it built in and can use it freely, while
Windows users must figure out how to activate the voice program in their computer. This program is easy to use and only 200 kb! About a 1/4 of 1 mb!

    *An Amazing World Guarantee*

      You will like this program!

Make a Free Website with Yola.