Snapshot Moment

By An Amazing World

The experience I had in Lake Louise, Canada is one I can never forget. The scenery there was beautiful beyond words. It was around 3:00 PM and the sun was shining in many wonderful colors. The colors were dancing over the lake and the magnificent glacier right next to the lake. The glacier was bright bluish white. My family and I were walking on the pathway on the side of the lake. We took many pictures of the site. We even went and touched the water with our feet. I can even remember my parents yelling at us to come back because we could get frostbite. It was very cold water and we would freeze upon touching the water, but we would enjoy the magnificent colors of the water. It would dazzle us and cause us to ignore our parents. Ignoring whatever they had said. Minutes became hours in the long walk along the lake. We even passed a restaurant. At the end of the lake was this huge beach-like appearance except the sand was covered with hundreds of rocks and we were on the opposite side. Directly in front of us was the glacier even though it was right there in front of us it looked far away. In fact it was. It was very large that it looked close but really far away. It shined in many colors. Sometimes yellow, red, orange, and even a hint of purple. We were all very speechless except for me. I was terrified. Right on the opposite side was something coming after me. There I saw a big white dog swimming toward me. It came closer and closer. At that time I was 8 years old and very terrified of dogs. I didn’t know what to do. I heard my parents screaming “Come here don’t go toward the lake!” At that time adrenaline was pumping in my body and I did what my body thought would be a good idea. Jump into the colorful lake, and that’s what I did. The dog left in terror and I nearly froze. My body went into overboard and ran full speed out of the water I had lost part of my green zip-off pants and was very disappointed. While my brother had fallen over laughing my parents were partially smiling while also at the same time furious with me. They were angry at me for getting wet and being an idiot. They didn’t say so but I knew it. I had to wear my mom’s dark blue jacket as a shirt because my other one was ice cold. On the 3 hour walk back I learned a lot about the scenery and the beauty of nature. I will always remember that experience forever. The scary moment that haunts me, and the unforgettable scenery that amazed me.


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